Kimron Rink

  • Kimron is the founder of Village Planet Group (VPG).  He is an architectural and environmental design consultant with degrees in Psychology, Environmental Studies, and Architecture. Kimron applies his diverse background and experience to create healthy, ecologically sustainable communities by developing the components that enable communities to flourish on a regenerative basis.  He began in 1976 designing and building these components from healthy, energy efficient, solar-tempered buildings and ecological technologies to human scale regenerative communities and resorts. He led the development in 2001 of the first Ecovillage zoning bylaw in Canada in Chilliwack, BC for the Yarrow Ecovillage Project.  He has also spent many years enhancing the processes to reclaim water from wastewater using natural wetlands in greenhouse/shadehouse structures in Canada, Cuba, Jordan and Bangladesh.  His current mission is developing the Regen House principles, systems and components into a prefabricated building system that is fully regenerative and revolutionary in its scope.

    Kimron’s design/build experience in regenerative design, project management and high performance building construction are part of his lifelong experience and contribution to the diverse team approach of VPG.

President & CEO

  • Keith has spent much of his life assisting First Nation communities to become sustainable and regenerative. His role at VPG is VP of Community Relations and Development. This role is fulfilled with passion involving his best skills and qualities: trusted advisor; fearless and fair negotiator; advocate of engaging full community participation (real listening); focused on bioregional, community economic development and utilizing whole systems strategies that benefit all. Keith has spent over thirty years working on community-based projects from Newfoundland/Labrador to British Columbia with a focus on establishing many aspects of economic, social and environmental sustainability.

    Keith has great qualities, skills and experience that contribute to the VPG vision to assist the growth of peaceful, abundant, regenerative communities.

VP Community Relations & Development

Keith Symanyk

Our Team